How Long Does Cocaine Stay in Your System?

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Cocaine is an addictive stimulant and Schedule II controlled substance that typically stays in the system for one to four days.

Cocaine may be detected in some people for longer. This guide addresses how long cocaine lingers in the system.

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If you have been wondering how long does cocaine stay in your system for the purposes of a drug screen, average detection times vary by test type:

  • Urine test: up to four days
  • Blood test: up to two days
  • Saliva test: up to two days
  • Hair test: up to three months

Cocaine Half-Life

The elimination half-life of cocaine is one hour. At this point, half of the initial amount of cocaine consumed will be metabolized and eliminated from the body. The elimination of cocaine from the system can vary depending on variables like the amount consumed, frequency of use, and individual metabolism. 

Studies show that long-term use of cocaine is associated with much longer elimination times. 

These are rough detection timeframes for the most common types of cocaine drug screens:

  • Blood and saliva: Up to two days.
  • Hair: For months or years.
  • Urine: Up to three days, but two weeks or more in those with use cocaine heavily.

Urine testing is the most commonly utilized method of testing for cocaine. 

If you are concerned about testing positive for cocaine, this may indicate that you have a problem. Stimulant use disorder (cocaine addiction) is a chronic but treatable condition that benefits from inpatient or outpatient treatment in a cocaine addiction treatment center.

Cocaine Immediate Effects

Cocaine is a CNS stimulant that delivers a brief and exhilarating high. The effects last for between a few minutes and one hour, depending on the route of administration. The onset and duration of effects are influenced by the delivery method as follows: 

  • Snorting powdered cocaine: Onset of effects within five minutes, persisting for 20 minutes.
  • Smoking crack cocaine: Onset of effects within ten, persisting for 20 minutes.
  • Injecting cocaine intravenously: Onset of effects within 10 seconds, persisting for 20 minutes
  • Ingesting cocaine orally: Onset of effects within 30 minutes, persisting for 90 minutes.

The immediate effects of cocaine include: 

  • Euphoria
  • Raised heart rate and body temperature
  • Dilated pupils
  • Increased blood pressure
An image of a man looking to the side, wondering how long does cocaine stay in your system

Cocaine in the Body

While the above examples give a rough idea of how long cocaine may stay in the body, the precise timeframe varies according to many factors, including: 

  • Quantity of cocaine consumed: The length of time that cocaine stays in the body increases in line with the amount of the drug used.
  • Frequency of cocaine use: The more often you use cocaine, the longer it is likely to stay in your body.
  • Route of administration: How you use cocaine directly influences how long it stays in the system. Snorting powdered cocaine or dabbing cocaine onto the gums may cause the drug to linger in the system for longer than cocaine that is injected or smoked in the form of crack.
  • Presence of alcohol: Drinking alcohol and using cocaine simultaneously is associated with lengthier elimination times.
  • Body mass and metabolism: Cocaine may stay in the system for longer in those with higher levels of body fat.


A urine test is the most commonly used drug screen for cocaine. Urine tests can detect cocaine for two or three days after the last use of cocaine. Cocaine may be detectable in the urine of individuals who use large amounts of cocaine for a fortnight.


A saliva test can detect cocaine for about one or two days after the last use.


Blood holds cocaine for 12 hours, although blood tests are only usually conducted if you are hospitalized, and your healthcare provider suspects cocaine abuse.


Cocaine is detectable in the hair for months after use.

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Cocaine Rehab at California Detox

While there are no pharmacological treatments for cocaine addiction, stimulant use disorders are treatable with a combination of behavioral and motivational therapies. 

If you kickstart your recovery from cocaine addiction at California Detox in Laguna Beach, you can begin treatment with a supervised medical detox. Cocaine withdrawal is relatively short-lived, so after a few days you will be ready to transition into one of the following programs: 

  • Inpatient program (residential rehab)
  • IOP (intensive outpatient program)
  • PHP (partial hospitalization program)
  • Virtual IOP (remote rehab program)
  • Dual diagnosis treatment program (for co-occurring disorders)

All cocaine addiction treatment programs at California Detox offer personalized treatment that combines holistic therapies and science-backed interventions that include: 

  • Psychotherapy (CBT and DBT)
  • Motivational therapy
  • Group therapy
  • Family therapy
  • Individual counseling
  • Holistic therapies

All California Detox cocaine addiction treatment programs include a robust aftercare component. We’re here to help you throughout your ongoing recovery from cocaine addiction. Call admissions today at 949.694.8305 and begin your recovery journey tomorrow.


The half-life of crack cocaine is 15 minutes. At this point, blood concentration levels of crack are reduced by half. The drug remains in the body for longer, though. Crack cocaine can be detected in the blood for up to 12 hours after the last use. Crack is detectable for much longer in the urine (one to four days), saliva (up to 24 hours), and hair (up to three months).
Yes, cocaine is commonly implicated in drug and toxin-related seizures. Cocaine can trigger seizures in people with no history of seizures. Using cocaine is particularly dangerous for individuals with epilepsy and a history of seizures. Seizures triggered by cocaine use may be generalized or focal in nature. Researchers believe that cocaine seizures may be caused in response to toxicity in the CNS (central nervous system).


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