What Do Meth Eyes Look Like?

image representing meth eyes
Updated February 12, 2024
Updated February 12, 2024
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Joe Gilmore

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Amy Leifeste

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Javier Rodriguez-Winter

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Joe Gilmore

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Amy Leifeste

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Medically Reviewed By:

Javier Rodriguez-Winter

image representing meth eyes

Meth eyes (crystal meth eyes) refers to the visible changes in the eyes caused by using methamphetamine, a highly addictive central nervous system stimulant that affects the brain and spinal cord. When someone takes meth, their pupils often get smaller and might stay like that for a few hours. This can make the eyes look shiny or watery, and the whites of the eyes might look red. Meth can also make someone’s eyes move quickly and seem restless or twitchy. Read on to discover:

  • What do your eyes look like on meth?
  • Are meth eyes reversible?
  • How to connect with meth addiction treatment in California.

The Appearance of Eyes on Meth

What do meth eyes look like, then? People who use meth typically show clear changes in their eyes, like pupils that are larger than normal, eyes that move quickly, and a shiny or glass-like look. These changes can also make the white part of the eyes look red. These are the typical signs of meth eyes seen in those who use methamphetamine.

Bloodshot appearance

The drug’s effect on the blood vessels in the eyes can cause them to appear red or bloodshot, a common and noticeable sign of meth use and an indicator of recent or habitual substance abuse.

Eye discharge

Regular meth use can cause eye-related issues like increased dryness or unusual discharge. These symptoms, often a result of extended use, may signal deeper eye health problems that call for medical intervention.

Dilated pupils

A key sign of meth use is the dilation of pupils, which can remain enlarged for hours. This reaction is a direct physiological response to methamphetamine, contributing to the distinctive eye appearance associated with meth eyes.https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6886135/

Glassy appearance

People using meth often appear like their eyes are glassy or glossy, a result of the intense stimulation from meth use, which gives the eyes a shiny or reflective aspect.

Rapid eye movements

Methamphetamine intake can lead to swift and irregular eye movements, giving a jittery or twitchy look. This is a typical effect of the stimulant, often mirroring the restlessness and agitation seen in those who abuse this fiercely addictive stimulant.


A woman upset with her hands to her face representing crystal meth eyes

What Causes Meth Eyes?

Meth eyes are caused by the physical stimulant effects of methamphetamine on the body:

  • Stimulant effects seen in pupils: Meth stimulates the brain, which often leads to dilated pupils. This is a common reaction to stimulants as they increase brain activity.
  • Increased blood pressure: Meth use can raise blood pressure, causing blood vessels in the eyes to dilate and making the eyes appear bloodshot.
  • Dehydration and eye strain: Methamphetamine can lead to dehydration and strain on the eyes, contributing to their glassy or glossy appearance.
  • Nervous system response: Rapid eye movements are a result of the drug’s stimulating effect on the nervous system, often leading to jittery or twitchy eye movements.

Can Meth Eyes Cause Permanent Damage?

Using meth can cause many short-term and long-term problems with your eyes and vision. In the short term, it can make pupils bigger, eyes red and bloodshot, and cause quick eye movements, which might make it hard to see clearly or focus on things. Meth can also make your eyes dry and reduce tear production, leading to discomfort and irritation.

Over time, using meth can damage the blood vessels in your eyes. This can cause serious eye problems like glaucoma, cataracts, and even blindness. Meth’s effects can also harm your overall health, leading to more eye issues.

Regular use of meth can damage the cornea, the clear front part of your eye. This might cause a condition called keratoconus, where the cornea gets thin and sticks out, making your vision blurry and distorted. In serious cases, you might need surgery to replace the cornea.

Long-term meth use can also damage the retina, the part of your eye that’s sensitive to light. This can lead to a condition called MAR (methamphetamine-associated retinopathy), which affects the small blood vessels in the retina and can cause problems with overall vision, perception of colors, and can also create blind spots in your vision.

Meth can even make existing eye problems worse, like diabetic retinopathy, and increase the risk of developing other eye diseases like glaucoma and cataracts. This shows how badly long-term meth use can affect your eye health.


luxury bedroom at california detox representing what do meth eyes look like

Get Treatment for Meth Addiction at California Detox

If you recognize the signs and symptoms of meth use in yourself or a loved one, consider engaging with evidence-based treatment at California Detox to kickstart your recovery.

Although there are no medications with FDA approval for treating meth withdrawal, our supervised detox program will reduce the intensity of the process.

During ongoing inpatient treatment, you can engage with the following treatments in Laguna Beach, CA:

For immediate assistance combating meth addiction, call 949.694.8305.


Meth eyes can be uncomfortable, often causing irritation and dryness due to the drug’s dehydrating effects on the body.
Meth eyes, characterized by dilated pupils and redness, typically diminish as the drug’s effects wear off. Persistent use of meth may lead to more lasting eye problems, though.

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