The Dangers of the U-47700 Drug (Gray Death)

A man sits on the beach looking at the water, reflecting on the dangers of the drug u-47700
Updated November 13, 2023
Updated November 13, 2023
Picture of Authored By:

Authored By:

Joe Gilmore

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Edited By:

Amy Leifeste

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Medically Reviewed By:

Javier Rodriguez-Winter

Picture of Authored By:

Authored By:

Joe Gilmore

Picture of Edited By:

Edited By:

Amy Leifeste

Picture of Medically Reviewed By:

Medically Reviewed By:

Javier Rodriguez-Winter

A man sits on the beach looking at the water, reflecting on the dangers of the drug u-47700

Table of Contents


While there has been considerable coverage of fentanyl in recent years and the associated risks are widely acknowledged, a lesser-known threat comes in the form of U-47700 or gray death. Although U-47700 is not quite as potent as fentanyl, it is many magnitudes stronger than morphine and dangerous in even small doses. Read on to learn more about this deadly drug and discover how to connect with opioid addiction treatment in California.

What is U-47700?

U47700 is a newly developed synthetic opioid, its misuse mirroring the patterns seen with heroin, prescription opioids, and other recently developed opioids.

Law enforcement officials in the United States have reported confiscations of the substance powdered and tablet forms. People often unknowingly engage in the abuse of this drug, encountering it in its pure form or combined with other substances such as heroin, fentanyl, or fentanyl analogs. Some packages are even marked with stamped logos, mimicking the familiar presentation of heroin on the black market. Additionally, the drug can be manufactured into pill form, masquerading under the guise of various prescription opioids. Given that compounds like U-47700 are frequently produced in clandestine laboratories abroad, their exact identity, purity, and quantity remain uncertain, creating a Russian Roulette scenario for anyone using these substances.

A man sits in a chair with his hands on his head, thinking about u-47700 and the gray death

What is U-47700 Used For?

U-47700, also known as Pink or U4, was initially developed in the 1970s by a team at Upjohn, a pharmaceutical company. It was intended for use as an analgesic (pain reliever) and was considered to be around 7.5 times more potent than morphine in animal studies. However, due to its high potential for abuse and addictive properties, it was never brought to market for medical use.

Despite its intended purpose, U-47700 has gained notoriety as a dangerous and illicit recreational drug. Individuals seeking euphoria or pain relief, as well as those struggling with opioid addiction, have been known to misuse and abuse this substance due to its opioid-like effects, including feelings of relaxation, euphoria, and pain relief. However, its use is associated with significant risks, including the potential for life-threatening overdose, addiction, and other adverse health effects.

Any use of the synthetic opioid U 47700 outside of a controlled medical setting is illegal and highly dangerous, given its unregulated production and uncertain purity. The lack of quality control and the potential for the substance to be laced with other harmful substances make its consumption a severe risk to the user’s health and well-being. Any non-medical use of this drug is inadvisable and potentially lethal.

The composition of gray death may differ from one batch to another, as indicated in various reports, thereby amplifying its level of danger. Research shows that gray death it is not a singular substance, but rather comprises a combination of various powerful opioids that a drug dealer may have on hand. This lethal mixture could include heroin, fentanyl, carfentanil, and U-47700, all of which are exceptionally potent narcotics. The variability in its components underscores the immense risks associated with its consumption, underlining the crucial need for public awareness and education regarding its harmful and potentially fatal effects.

The Dangers of U-47700

The presence of highly potent opioids such as fentanyl, carfentanil, and U-47700 in the composition of gray death renders among the most lethal drug on the streets today. Due to the extreme potency of these substances, a fatal dose can be minuscule, often invisible to the naked eye. Consequently, individuals attempting to consume their usual quantity of heroin can succumb to a fatal overdose within a matter of minutes.

The gravity of the situation is further compounded by the fact that cases of overdoses and fatalities from gray death are on the rise, although precise statistics remain elusive. Identifying gray death as the ingested substance through testing can be challenging, as synthetic opioids might be incorporated in such minute quantities that they elude detection.

While the reversal of a heroin overdose typically involves the administration of naloxone (Narcan), reversing a gray death overdose can be more complicated. It may require multiple doses of naloxone, with some people needing as many as ten doses to recover. This presents a significant challenge, as family members or first responders may not have an ample supply of naloxone on hand. The evolving landscape of drug manufacturing constantly produces new substances, creating difficulties for regulatory laws to keep pace.

Consequently, heroin users unwittingly become unwitting testers for these new products, often paying with their lives. The proliferation of such dangerous compounds, including U-47700 and gray death, underscores the critical importance of comprehensive public education, access to life-saving interventions, and robust enforcement measures to mitigate the risks posed by these lethal substances.

an image of California Detox's opioid withdrawal treatment center

Get Treatment for Synthetic Opioid Addiction at California Detox

If you’re struggling with physical dependence or a diagnosed addiction to synthetic opioids, , California Detox in Laguna Beach offers a diverse array of treatment programs.

Benefit from our closely monitored medical detox program, which provides a seamless path to inpatient or outpatient rehabilitation. Access medications that allow for a smoother withdrawal process and help alleviate cravings. Following the detoxification phase, you can move into our inpatient program.

All treatment programs at California Detox are tailored to provide individualized care, integrating evidence-based interventions and holistic therapies to foster a comprehensive approach to addiction recovery. These include:

For immediate assistance, please reach out to our admissions team at 949.694.8305.


U-47700 is a synthetic opioid analgesic that was developed in the 1970s as a potential alternative to morphine. It belongs to the class of chemicals known as opioid analgesics.
U-47700 is used for its opioid and analgesic effects. It was primarily used as a research chemical but has gained popularity as a recreational drug, leading to numerous reports of overdose and fatalities.

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