Whippits, also known as whip-its or whippets, are informally known as laughing gas. The whippits drug comes in the form of steel cartridges that are filled with nitrous oxide and are commonly used to charge whipped cream dispensers.
Despite not being controlled substances in the United States, these steel canisters have the potential for harm when abused. While the gas nitrous oxide and the dispensers themselves are safe individually, excessive use of whippets can lead to addiction. Nitrous oxide, an odorless gas, is renowned for its euphoric effects, anxiety reduction, and a brief but intense high. However, its addictive nature becomes apparent when used excessively for these purposes.
This guide highlights the following issues:
- What is a whippet?
- What are the main dangers of whippets drug?
- Whippet addiction: now what? How to connect with evidence-based treatment in Southern California.
What Are Whippets?
Nitrous oxide, commonly known as whippits, has gained popularity as a recreational substance in recent years. Originally used for medical and culinary purposes, whippits have found their way into the party scene and are often misunderstood due to their seemingly harmless nature.
Whippits, or nitrous oxide cartridges, contain nitrous oxide gas. First used for its anesthetic properties in medical procedures and then as a propellant for whipped cream dispensers, the gas is inhaled for its euphoric and dissociative effects when used recreationally. The term “whippits” comes from the small metal canisters that are commonly used to dispense whipped cream.
When inhaled, nitrous oxide can induce a brief but intense high that involves feelings of euphoria, relaxation, and a distorted sense of reality. The dissociative effects can lead to sensations of floating or detachment from surroundings. These effects are short-lived, typically lasting for only a few minutes. While the immediate effects of whippets might seem appealing to some, there are serious risks associated with their recreational use, from mood changes and whippet burn to even more severe consequences like addiction (substance use disorder).
Are Whippets Addictive?
Most drugs induce a feeling of being high by overwhelming the brain’s pleasure system. However, whippits and other inhalants diverge from this pattern, as they don’t affect the brain’s pleasure system in the same manner. Inhalant misuse leads to oxygen deprivation in the brain, resulting in sensations of a head rush or floating. While nitrous oxide might cause laughter or dizziness, its high differs from that of other commonly used recreational drugs.
Whippets still have the potential to become addictive, though, especially when used to excess. Despite their legal status and the fact that nitrous oxide and whipped cream dispensers are safe on their own, misuse and overuse of whippets can lead to addiction. Nitrous oxide, the main component of whippets, is inhaled from the steel cartridges to induce a sensation of lightheadedness and anxiety reduction. This effect, while short-lived compared to other drugs that produce stronger euphoria, contributes to their addictive nature.
Some individuals inhale nitrous oxide directly from the cartridges or use devices like crackers to access the gas. Balloons are also utilized to inhale the gas for its effects. The addictive potential of whippets is heightened by the short duration of their effects, which can drive people to seek repeated inhalations, increasing the risk of negative health consequences.
Long & Short-Term Effects of Whippets
Doing whippets can have both short-term and long-term effects on the body when misused.
Short-term effects of whippets
When people misuse whippets, they may experience a range of short-term effects, which typically occur shortly after inhalation. Immediate whippets side effects can include:
- Euphoria: Whippets induce a feeling of euphoria and relaxation due to their impact on the central nervous system, provoking a sense of happiness and pleasure.
- Giddiness: Individuals who use whippets may feel giddy or lightheaded, often accompanied by uncontrollable laughter.
- Seizures: In some cases, whippet misuse can trigger seizures, which are involuntary muscle contractions caused by abnormal brain activity.
- Moodiness: Individuals may experience sudden mood swings or changes in emotional states.
- Confusion: Whippets can lead to confusion and disorientation, affecting cognitive functioning.
- Poor coordination: People using whippets may have difficulty maintaining coordination and balance, leading to unsteady movements.
- Blurred vision: Whippets can temporarily impair vision, causing objects to appear unclear or distorted.
- Numbness: Some people may experience numbness or tingling sensations in their extremities.
- Dizziness: Whippet misuse can cause dizziness and a sensation of spinning or lightheadedness.
- Sweating: Sweating may increase as a result of the effects of whippets on the body.
Long-term effects of whippets
The continued misuse of whippets can lead to more serious and lasting health consequences over time. These long-term whippets effects may include:
- Loss of blood pressure: Prolonged misuse of whippets can lead to a drop in blood pressure, potentially causing dizziness and fainting.
- Liver damage: Whippets can contribute to liver damage, affecting the organ’s ability to function properly.
- Kidney damage: Chronic whippet misuse can harm the kidneys, potentially leading to impaired kidney function or failure.
- Heart dysfunction: The heart’s function may be compromised, leading to irregular heartbeats and other cardiac issues.
- Memory problems: Long-term whippet misuse can impact memory and cognitive function, leading to memory deficits.
- Fainting: Frequent fainting spells may occur as a result of the effects of nitrous oxide on the body.
- Numbness: Numbness and tingling sensations may persist and become more pronounced over time.
- Weakened immune system: Chronic whippet misuse can weaken the immune system’s ability to fight off infections and diseases.
- Paranoia: Some individuals may develop feelings of paranoia and anxiety due to the effects of the drug on the brain.
- Apoptosis: Long-term misuse of whippets can contribute to apoptosis, which is programmed cell death that can impact various bodily functions.
The severity of these effects can vary based on factors such as the frequency of use, the amount of nitrous oxide inhaled, individual health conditions, and the presence of other substances in the body. While whippets may not be physically addictive, it is possible to develop a psychological dependence on the drug due to its euphoric effects. The misuse of nitrous oxide can be especially risky for teenagers, and repeated use can lead to irreversible brain damage, organ damage, and even death. Seek professional help if you or someone you know is struggling with whippet misuse or addiction.
Get Help for Whippet Abuse at California Detox
If you find yourself struggling with whippets abuse, California Detox in Laguna Beach offers a range of comprehensive treatment options.
Our supervised medical detox program provides a seamless pathway to both inpatient and outpatient rehab. With the support of our medical team, you’ll have access to medications that can ease withdrawal symptoms and curb cravings. Once detox is complete, you can seamlessly transition into our inpatient program, also known as residential rehab.
At California Detox, all our treatment programs are tailored to meet your individual needs. We combine evidence-based interventions with holistic therapies, creating a comprehensive approach to addiction recovery. Our offerings include:
- Medication-assisted treatment
- Group counseling
- Individual counseling
- Psychotherapy
- Family therapy
- Holistic therapies
- Aftercare support
For immediate assistance, feel free to reach out to our admissions team any time at 949.694.8305. We’re here to help you every step of the way on your journey to recovery from whippits addiction.